Will It Grow? Part 2: We Rise! We Live!

So, remember when I bought a Cascade hop rhizome, planted it, and then told you folks that I’ll let you know how it goes? Well…the hops grew. They started to sprout after a couple of weeks and then once it was fixed up so it had some support to get up on the frame of…

Forest City Beer Fest

You know, after the Toronto Festival of Beer, it was good that Forest City Beer Fest, held in London, Ontario earlier this month, happened. I was asked by the organizers to be a part of a pre-fest event at the Palace Theatre titled “Breaking the Pint Glass Ceiling”, which would show two documentaries, 2009’s “Beer…

Toronto Festival of Beer

A lot of times when I don’t like something, I tend to say “it’s not for me”. Although I do slip in to it now and then, I believe that as a writer I should inform, rather than set a standard. “What might be right for you might not be right for some”, as the…