Louis Cifer Brew Works (House Beer Review Edition)

I didn’t mean to do a review on Louis Cifer Brew Works, but my small notes turned into something a bit more solid and, well, here we are. So a bit about the place. Louis Cifer (yes, yes, fans of Angel Heart, it’s a play on De Niro’s devil character. Lou-Cifer) is a brewpub in…

Toronto Festival of Beer

A lot of times when I don’t like something, I tend to say “it’s not for me”. Although I do slip in to it now and then, I believe that as a writer I should inform, rather than set a standard. “What might be right for you might not be right for some”, as the…

Ring Ring Goes The Bell

Most students are back to school by now and I thought that since it was September it was a good time to try First Draft Campus Ale. That and the Campus Lager have recently been made available at my LCBO from the good people at Niagara College’s Teaching Brewery. And I have to say, it…