Beer & Food Pairing

I’ll be honest, this post is a long time coming. Truthfully, I’ve had the most problem just STARTING the damn thing. Any writer knows that the kick-off point in a piece of writing is one of the worst and I’ve been stuck with that for a couple of weeks while also getting used to having…

Will It Grow? Part 1: In To The Ground, My Sweet

So one of the advantages of no longer being in the office (and there aren’t TOO many, but that’s for my non-existent therapist, not you) is that I have time for some personal projects in between errands and freelance work. One personal project is my garden. I have a raised bed in the backyard which…

Settling In

Sorry for the lack of updates on here, folks. My dayjob office moved house so packing up/throwing out nearly 20 years worth of stuff along with helping the boss with the transition of working solo has been taking up…well, ALL of my freakin’ time. Well, that and looking for new work. So just settling in…